Aliant Q1 2023 Office Updates

From new business to new additions, Aliant offices across the globe are certainly busy! Check out the recent news on some of our office updates: Austria The Austrian office welcomes Lorelei Adele Helml, born on 23 February 2023. Congratulations to Julia and Friedrich...

Privacy Protection in Hungary

Abstract: The EU beneficial ownership register leaves very little room for maneuver for those who prefer to maintain their privacy in present times. This article discusses the privacy protection element of the Hungarian Asset Management Foundation (AMF), analyzes the...
Open Insurance and Mobility

Open Insurance and Mobility

The debate on Open Insurance is on the agenda and several parties are calling for interventions by the legislator. In this respect we can mention the public consultation of EIOPA (European Authority for Insurance and Occupational Pensions) closed on April 29, 2021,...