Acquisition of Commercial Real Estate- Part IV - CYPRUS
Aliant Guide on Acquisiton of Commercial Real Estate was ...
All items published by Socrates Parparinos
Aliant is pleased to announce its participation in the prestigious European Air Law Association (EALA) Conference, ...
Background Regulatory Framework
The area of Cryptocurrencies has seen a tremendous growth during the last few ...
Aliant Law’s commercial and creative law teams help filmmakers, production companies, and creative businesses make their vision a...
In Part I of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will answer what their regulations on E-payments are and if E-payment services are allowed in those countries.
In Part II of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss criminal aspects related to abuse of E-payment sevices as well as how to legally provide such services in each country.
In Part III of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss the framework of E-payments service contracts and the information E-payment services must provide to its customers.
In Part IV of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss user protection for E-payment services as well as crime prevention tools for services and its users.
In the final Part V of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss privacy protection for E-payment services' customers, credit grant by E-payment service providers as well as dispute settlement in relation to such services.