A malpractice carrier recently emailed its policyholders that the carrier would no longer provide arbitration agreement templates confusing doctors into thinking that arbitration agreements are invalid. I contacted the carrier, and the carrier explained that their...
This article uses two case studies based on actual client situations to illustrate how irrevocable trusts are excellent structures not only for long-term estate planning but also for protecting assets from potential judgment creditors. First, the article describes...
What happens if we put the English type trust concept into a civil law jurisdiction? We have witnessed different examples in the Central European countries, like the Czech Republic, Romania, and Hungary. Hungary has recently amended and changed some of its trust...
When is it appropriate to sue? Attorneys and others working in the legal industry are used to being asked this question, not just from clients, but from friends and even family members. Individuals may want to sue for a variety of reasons. Maybe a company collected...