The Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) authorizes disgruntled employees to recover civil penalties on behalf of themselves, other employees, and the State of California. PAGA was originally enacted to help California regulate its underground economy, but it also...
On June 29, 2019 the trade union of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay (“Mercosur”) closed a free trade agreement (“FTA”) with the European Union (“EU”). This “historic” agreement culminates a 20-year negotiation process and gained momentum with the election of...
The franchising concept is relatively new to China. In fact, as recently as the mid-1990s, the Chinese language didn’t even include a direct translation of the word “franchise.” Nevertheless, in recent decades, Western franchises have been proliferating in China like...
One of my favorite client stories of all time took place about five years ago. My client, Gretchen, was 97 years old, had a driver’s license for 75 years, and got into her very first car accident. She was driving a friend to church and ran into a parked car. The very...
The Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires enacted a law on September 5, 2019, Law No. 6195/2019, that provides for a large tax amnesty. The law entered into force on September 19, 2019. Area of application This amnesty applies to taxes applicable in the...
If you own a business, chances are that you will receive a negative review every now and then. However—what if the post is blatantly false or defamatory, and attempts to contact the poster have failed? It could be time for legal action. When considering hiring a...