In Part I of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will answer what their regulations on E-payments are and if E-payment services are allowed in those countries.
All items published by Michele Di Francesco
In Part II of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss criminal aspects related to abuse of E-payment sevices as well as how to legally provide such services in each country.
In Part III of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss the framework of E-payments service contracts and the information E-payment services must provide to its customers.
In Part IV of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss user protection for E-payment services as well as crime prevention tools for services and its users.
In the final Part V of the Global E-payment Guide by Aliant; France, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Cyprus, U.K, Israel, U.S.A and China will discuss privacy protection for E-payment services' customers, credit grant by E-payment service providers as well as dispute settlement in relation to such services.